Enjoy a range of talks from bestselling authors and thought leaders.
Author Talks offers a unique chance to engage with two or three bestselling authors online for free each month. Each event is live-streamed and lasts about an hour with Q&A.
Can't attend live? Register to receive a copy of the recording the day after the event.
Brought to you in partnership with the Library Speakers Consortium.
Notes on Modern Irrationality with Bestselling Author Amanda Montell
An Inside Look at Working with a Literary Agent: A Conversation with Seth Fishman
How We Create Pandemics, From Our Bodies to Our Beliefs with Smithsonian Curator Sabrina Sholts
The Magic of Found Family: In Conversation with Author TJ Klune
On Pulse-Pounding, Family Driven Mysteries: A Conversation with Laura Dave
Unearthed: Exploring the Smithsonian National Gem Collection with Dr. Jeffrey Post